Case Study


Dave, a 40 year old male had a full head of hair during his 20’s, but gradually lost most of his hair by the time he was 38 years old. He never came to terms with losing his hair. He tried a wig but had to visit the hair studio every other day to have the cap washed and re-glued and all the while his scalp was getting more and more painful.

He finally decided the time had come to tackle it properly.

He saw an ad for a Hair transplant from one of the large TV advertisers and went there for a “free” consult. Dave went on a Monday for his consult, never met the doctor who would do the transplant, only the sales persons, and they convinced him to do a FUE, and before he could change his mind they scheduled him for his Surgery the same week on Thursday.

Total cost was $20,700 in Manhattan for 2,500 grafts, or $8,28 per graft.

Dave had the transplant done and expected to retain all the grafts and have an outstanding result and a full head of hair.

He was wrong. His worst nightmare about hair transplants came true Within 10 days after the surgery he had bleeding, infection, swollen scalp, brusing around the eyes, numbness on the treated areas of thescalp, itching, and infection of the hair follicles. This caused him to lose some of his grafts and a month later he continued to be plagued with itching, black spots and pimples all over his head.

One year later almost half of the grafts were lost and half of the hair that was transplanted.

Our goal is to ensure that this does not happen to you!