Human Hair
The number of hair an individual has is already determined at birth. In boys, beard and other body hair becomes thicker during puberty because of male hormones. New hair is not created, rather hormones simply change the hair’s texture. Individual hairs fall out after growing for 3-5 years, and in that spot, new hair grows after 3 months. Hair, therefore, continually repeats the cycle of growth – regression – relaxation. Caucasians have 100,000-150,000 hairs, on average. About 100 hairs fall out each day, and the same number grow in, maintaining the approximate number of hairs.
Women & Men and Female & Male pattern baldness is genetically driven, meaning it has been passed down from either your mother or fathers side. Hair loss is progressive, with hair becoming thinner as you age. The life cycle of hair takes about 3 years from beginning to death. In the balding process, the life cycle does not go through as normally as a healthy hair’s life cycle. In thinning hair, decreasing density occurs, with a reduced time of the hair cycle.As the hair’s life cycle progressively shortens, it eventually results in complete loss of hair on the scalp.
Male pattern baldness, is caused by the male hormone, testosterone. When testosterone is changed chemically, by an enzyme in the skin (5-alpha reductase), it becomes a more potent hormone, known as dihydro-testosterone (DHT).
Patterns of Male and Female
Female & male pattern baldness are genetically driven, meaning it has been passed down from either your mother or father side. Hair loss is progressive, with hair becoming thinner as you age. The life cycle of hair takes about 3 years from beginning to death. In the balding process, the life cycle does not go through as normally as a healthy hair’s life cycle. In thinning hair, the density decreases with a reduced time of the hair cycle. As the life cycle of hair progressively shortens, it eventually results in a complete loss of hair on the scalp.
Male Pattern Baldness
Balding is inherited
Balding is inherited, autosomal dominant trait. While the genes that cause baldness have yet to be discovered, it is known that several genes are involved. The probability of passing those genes to an offspring is 50%. In addition to genetic makeup, other factors, such as male hormones, stress, diet and aging, contribute to hair loss.
Male hormones gives rise to balding
Male pattern baldness, is caused by the male hormone called testosterone. When testosterone is chemically changed by an enzyme in the skin (5-alpha reductase), it becomes a more potent hormone, known as dihydro-testosterone (DHT). Although balding is caused by male hormones, it is not triggered by the general male hormones, testosterone, but rather by DHT. Finasteride is currently used to inhibit this enzyme.
When one is bald, does the hair stop growing once it falls out?
For patients with androgenic aplpecia, the hair does regrow once it falls out; however, the new hair is thinner and its growth stage is shorter. While normal hair falls out after about 3 years. the hair of a bald individual falls out after a year or less. the new hair is thin and ultimately becomes fine and soft hair.
Is excessive secretion of sebum the reason for baldness?
As baldness progresses, the hair becomes thinner while the sebaceous gland becomes larger with more secretion. These enlarged glands are only a result of balding, not a cause.
Treatment of Male-Pattern Baldness
Medications for baldness
Medication is especially effective at the initial stages of hair loss. Hair loss can be minimised with an early diagnosis and an adequate medication treatment, and the time to complete baldness may also be prolonged. There are generally two groups of treatment. The medical treatment includes oral medicine, Finasteride and topical treatment, Minoxidil. These medicines are effective and helpful for the treatment of hair loss especially on the vertex of the scalp. However, they have a limited impact on the hairline area around the forehead. Medications for treating hair loss must be used for a long period and different by gender. Therefore, it is significant to discuss with the doctor on the different types of medications that can be used for treatments.